The primary containment chamber is lined with heat conducting radiation-resistant NANOPEEK GFV polymer tiles and evacuated of any atmosphere. Heat from the object is radiated into the surrounding rock. Should enclosure integrity become compromised the emergency system will generate a low power argon plasma shield. This is projected to provide a minimum of 4 hours for onsite engineers to effect necessary repairs before the object breaches containment.
In the contingency that stellar evolution proceeds ahead of projections and a nova event appears imminent or if containment failure is otherwise unavoidable any remaining project staff are authorized to initiate the Pituaq Protocol.
To: O5 Council
From: Dr. Innis
Subject: SCP-037 Emergency Neutralization research
Body: Sirs and madams
The agents embedded with the US DoD have managed to alter the project requirement for the NASA orbiter program. The vehicle will now be designed with enough space to accommodate SCP-037 and a temporary containment apparatus in order to facilitate transport off-planet. However I continue to have reservations.
Modern rocket technology simply is not reliable enough for the needs of this project. A single mistake could lead to launch failure and subsequent loss of containment possibly catastrophically. Even a successful launch would have to proceed perfectly lest the result be visible to observatories and instruments and possibly the naked eye around the world.
There are numerous artifacts contained by the Foundation which might allow us to transport SCP-037 safely and cost-effectively to an adjacent dimension universe or esoteric domain. SCP-███ in particular might prove especially convenient for this purpose considering the outcomes of recent attempts to explore it and the difficulty of [[. Neutralization of SCP-037 might thus serve the added purpose of reducing or removing the threat posed by that anomaly as well.
I implore you to reconsider the Pituaq proposal submitted in light of these concerns.
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