



are G-equivariant, where G acts on U × G on the right by

(x,h) · g=(x,hg).

For a vector bundle η : E → M,let Fr(E)=⊔Fr(Eₓ) be the collection of all frames in the fibers of E,and π:Fr(E) → M be the map sending Fr(Eₓ) to x. Fr(Eₓ) can be identified with GL(n,ℝ),and GL(n,ℝ) acts on Fr(E) on the right. This makes it into a principal GL(n,ℝ)-bundle.

The transition maps of π:Fr(E) → M are the same as those of η: E → M. Thus from a principal GL(n,ℝ)-bundle,we can recover the associated vector bundle using those transition maps.

Let π:P → M be a principal G-bundle and ρ: G → GL(V) a representation of G on a finite-dimensional vector space V. We write ρ(g)υ as g · υ or even gυ.The associated bundle E:= P × ᵨ V is the quotient of P × V by the equivalence relation

(p,υ) ~ (pg,g⁻¹ · υ) for g ∈ G and (p,υ) ∈ P × V

We denote the equivalence class of (p,υ) by [p,υ]. The associated bundle comes with a natural projection β:P × ᵨ V → M,β (l,[p,υ])=π(p).

Theorem 7 If EG → BG is α principαl G-bundle such thαt EG is homotopicαllu triviαl,then for αn αrbitrαry principαl G-bundle π:E → B oυer α simpliciαl complex B (or more generαlly,α CW-complez),there’s α mαp f:B → BG such thαt f*EG=E. Equiυαlently,there’s α homomorphism F:E → EG.

Proof. We may assume that E is trivial when restricted to each simplex. We use induction. The result is clear on 0-skeleton. Suppose now we have F|ᴇᵏ:Eᵏ=π⁻¹(Bᵏ) → EG. For a (k +1)-simplex σ of B,F|π⁻¹(∂σ) is determined by F|∂σ×e:∂σ × e → E. Since EG is homotopically trivial,F|∂σ×e can be extended to F|σ×e,and then to F|π⁻¹(σ) by G-equivariance. ▢

Such a bundle is called the universal G-bundle,and BG is called the classifying space of G.

Also,the map defined above is determined up to homotopy. Given two homomor-phisms F₀,F₁:E → EG,consider the bundle l × E → I × G. F₀,F₁ gives a map ∂l × E → EG,so we can extend the map to l × E → EG as above.

Write P(B,G) for the collection of (isomorphism classes of) principal G-bundles over B. By the discussion above we have a surjective mapping

P(B,G) → [B,BG].

Indeed it’s bijective,and this is why BG is called the classifying space. Bijectivity is proved using covering homotopy property.

If there is another universal G-bundle E'G → B'G,there are induced maps f:BG → B'G,g:B'G → BG such that fg,gf are homotopic to identity. Thus the classifying space,if exists,is determined up to homotopy equivalence. In particular,H*(BG;R) is completely determined.

We mention some important examples. The universal ℤ₂-bundle is S∞ → ℝP∞. The universal S¹-bundle is S∞ → ℂP∞,induced from S²ⁿ⁻¹ → ℂPⁿ.The Grassmann mani-fold Gₙ (ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ) is a quotient of Vₙ (ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ). Letting k → ∞,we get the universal GL(n,ℝ)-bundle Vₙ(ℝ∞) → Gₙ(ℝ∞). Replacing Vₙ(ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ) by the subset of all orthogonal frames

V⁰ₙ(ℝⁿ⁺ᵏ)=O(n+k)/O(k),we get the universal O(n)-bundle V⁰ₙ(ℝ∞) → Gₙ(ℝ∞).


If H ⊂ G is a subgroup. EG → BG is the universal G-bundle,then we have the universal H-bundle EG → EG/H. Since every compact Lie group can be embedded into

O(k) for some k,for compact Lie groups we know the existance of universal bundles.

1.5 Characteristic classes

We may identify a real vector bundle with its associated principal GLₙ(ℝ)-bundle, or Oₙ-bundle if a metric is provided,or SOₙ-bundle if it’s additionally orientable,and similarly for complex case.

First we define the Chern class. We have that



H*(BTⁿ;ℤ)=ℤ[t₁,. . .,tₙ].

For the inclusion ρ: BTⁿ → B∪ₙ,we have a homomorphism

ρ*:H*(B∪ₙ:ℤ) → H*(BTⁿ;ℤ).

This is indeed an injection.We can show that its image is invariant under Weyl group,and thus is contained in the subalgebra of symmetric polynomials,which is generated by elementary symmetric polynomials σ₁,. . .,σₙ. Calculating the Poincaré series, we find out that on each degree,H*(B∪ₙ;ℤ) and ℤ[σ₁,. . .,σₙ has the same rank as abelian groups. However,replacing ℤ with arbitrary coefficient field R,we still have an injection ρ*:H*(B∪ₙ:R) → H*(BTⁿ;R), which implies that

H*(B∪ₙ;ℤ)=ℤ[σ₁,. . .,σₙ] ⊂ H*(BTⁿ;ℤ)=ℤ[t₁,. . .,tₙ],

where σ₁,. . .,σₙ are the elementary symmetric polynomials of t₁,. . .,tₙ.

We define σ₁,. . .,σₙ ∈ H*(B∪ₙ;ℤ) to be the Chern classes of the universal rank n complex vector bundle.

For general complex vector bundle π:E → B (with metric),by the discussion above,there exists a map f:B → B∪ₙ which pulls back the universal bundle to get E and is determined up to homotopy. For each k,f*σₖ ∈ H*(B;ℤ) is well-defined and we define it to be the k-th Chern clαss of E,denoted by cₖ(E).c(E):=1+c₁(E)+c₂(E)+ · · · ∈H*(B;ℤ) is the total Chern class.

Similarly,for the real case we have an injection of algebras

ρ*:H*(BOₙ;ℤ₂)=ℤ₂[ω₁,. . .,ωₙ] → H* (Bℤⁿ₂;ℤ₂)=ℤ₂[t₁,. . .,tₙ]

where ω₁,. . .,ωₙ are elementary symmetric polynomials. These ω₁,. . .,ωₙ are called Stiefel-Whitney clαsses.

For a real vector bundle ξ of rank n,we define the i-th Pontrjagin class to be pᵢ(ξ)=

(–1)ⁱc₂ᵢ(ξ ⨂ ℂ)∈ H⁴ⁱ(B;ℤ). Indeed,H*(BOₙ;ℚ) is the polynomial ring generated by the universal Pontrjagin classes p₁,. . .,pₘ where m=[n/2]. We sketch a proof. Let T ⊂ Oₙ be the maximal torus in Oₙ. ℝⁿ decomposes into 2-dimensional subspaces Uⱼ,j=1,. . .,m (and possibly one additional 1-dimensional subspace). After complexifying,each Uⱼ ⨂ ℂ decomposes into Vⱼ ⨁ ˉVⱼ . The total Chern class of the complexified bundle is ∏ⱼ(1–x²ⱼ),so the total Pontrjagin class is p=∏ⱼ(1+x²ⱼ),i.e.

ρ*:H*(BOₙ:ℚ) → H*(BT;ℚ),p↦∏(1+x²ⱼ).


It follows that H*(BOₙ:ℚ) is the subalgebra of symmetric polynomials of x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ, which gives the conclusion.

Similarly we can calculate H*(BSOₙ;ℚ), since the maximal torus in Oₙ is indeed in SOₙ. If n=2m+1 is odd,H*(BSOₙ;ℚ) is still the subalgebra of symmetric poly-nomials of x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ,i.e. the polynomial ring generated by the universal Pontrjagin classes p₁,. . .,Pₘ. But if n=2m is even,H*(BSOₙ:ℚ) is the subalgebra of symmetric polynomials generated by x²₁,. . .,x²ₘ₋₁,x₁x₂. . .xₘ. Indeed

H*(BSO₂ₘ:ℚ)=ℚ[p₁,. . .pₘ₋₁,χ]

where χ is the Euler class defined for oriented real bundles.

Let HΠ(B;ℤ) denote the collection of formal power series. Consider the expression

∑ eᵗⁱ ∈ HΠ(BTⁿ;ℚ).


It’s symmetric so it belongs to HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ). We define its pullback in HΠ(B;ℚ) to be the Chern character of π:E → B,denoted by ch(E). Also the pullback of


∏ ─── ∈ HΠ(BUₙ;ℚ) ⊂ HΠ(BTⁿ;ℚ)

ᵢ 1 – e⁻ᵗⁱ

is defined to be the Todd clαss.

Of course,there are other ways to introduce characteristic classes,but we are not going to discuss here.

1.6 K-theory

We are assuming the connectedness of the base space so that the dimension of a vector bundle is well-defined. Let V(X) be the set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles over X. This is a semigroup under direct sum. We say that two pairs of vector bundles (E,F),(E',F') are equivalent if ∃A ∈ V(X),E ⨁ F' ⨁ A = E' ⨁ F ⨁ A. The set K(X) of equivalence classes is now a group,called the K-group. V(X) is clearly identified with a subset of K(X).

K(X) is functorial. Given f:X → Y,we have pullback f*:K(Y) → K(X). If (X,*)is a pointed space,f:* → X induces a surjection f*:K(X) → K(*)=ℤ,whose kernel is defined to be the reduced K-group ˉK(X). Both reduced and unreduced K-groups are rings with multiplication given by the tensor product.

The sequence 0 → ˉK(X) → K(X) → ℤ → 0 splits,so K(X)=ˉK(X) ⨁ ℤ.

Lemma 5 If bαse spαce X is compαct,then ∀ υector bundle E,∃F such thαt E ⨁ F is triυiαl.

Consider the map α:V(X) → ˉK(X) ⊂ K(X),E ↦ [E,dimE], where we use a mumber to denote a trivial bundle. Then α(E)=α(F) if and only if ∃ trivial bundles k,l such that E ⨁ k= F ⨁ l. We call two bundles stαbly equiυαlent if the above condition is satisfied. Also α is surjective since [E,F]=[E ⨁ A,n] for some A by the lemma. This gives another characterization of ˉK(X).

These statements are true for spaces having the homotopy type of a compact space.


Now we talk about complex bundles. The inclusion Uₙ ⊂ Uₙ₊₁ induces jₙ: BUₙ → BUₙ₊₁.If f is the classifying map for a rank n bundle E,jₙ◦f is the classifying map for E ⨁ 1. E and E ⨁ 1 are stably equivalent. Also jₙ induces (jₙ)*:[X,B∪ₙ] → [X,B∪ₙ₊₁],and we write [X,B∪] for the direct limit of the direct system consisting of {[X,B∪ₙ]}. Thus we have


Theorem 8 ˉK(Sⁿ) is isomorphic to ℤ if n is eυen,αnd 0 ifn is odd.

A generator of ⁻K(S²) is given by H – 1 where H is the hyperplane bundle. The first Chern class sends H to 1∈ ℤ,and hence defines an isomorphism ˉK(S²)=ℤ.

Define K(X,A)=ˉK(X/A).where the pair (X,A) is assumed to satisfy the homotopy extension property,e.g. a CW-pair. Then we have exact sequences

K(X,A) → ˉK(X) → ˉK(A),

K(X,A) → K(X) → K(A).

We use SX,CX to denote the reduced suspension of X and the reduced cone over X respectively. Then we have exact sequences

ˉK(SA) → ˉK(X∪CA) → K(X),

· · · → ˉK(S(X/A)) → ˉK(SX) → ˉK(SA) → ˉK(X/A) → ˉK(X) → ˉK(A).

Define ˉK⁻ⁿ(X)=ˉK(SⁿX). Periodicity theorem tells us that ˉK(S²X)=ˉK(X) holds for arbitrary space X,and hence we can also extend the ”Puppe sequence” to the right.

Also there is an unreduced version

· · · → Kⁿ(X,A) → Kⁿ (X) → Kⁿ (A) → Kⁿ⁺¹ (X,A) → Kⁿ⁺¹(X) → Kⁿ⁺¹ (A) → . . . .

K-theory is a generalized cohomology theory.

We now give another characterization of K(X, Y). Consider the collection 𝓛 (X,Y) of all triples A=(E,F,σ) where E,F are complex vector bundles over X and σ:E|ʏ → F|ʏ is an isomorphism. Two triples (E,F,σ), (E',F',σ') are said to be isomorphic if there exists bundle isomorphisms ф₁:E|ʏ → E'|ʏ,ф₂:F|ʏ → F'|ʏ such that σ'◦ ф₁=ф₂◦σ . We say that A=(E,F,σ),A'=(E',F',σ') are equivalent if ∃B,B' ∈ 𝓛 (X,Y) such that

A ⨁ B=A' ⨁ B.

Denote the set of equivalence classes [E,F,σ] by L(X,Y),and this is an abelian group under the obviously defined direct sum.

Lemma 6 There erists αn equiυαlence of functors χ:L(X,Y) → K(X,Y), such that ωhen Y=∅,[E,F,σ] ↦[E] – [F].

We only sketch a proof. Given an element [V₀,V₁,σ] ∈ L₁(X,Y) we associate to it an element χ([V₀,V₁,σ]) ∈ K(X,Y). Set Xₖ=X × {k} for k=0,1 and consider the space Z=X₀ ∪ʏ X₁ obtained from the disjoint union X₀ ∪ X₁ by identifying y × {0} with y × {1} for all y ∈ Y. The natural sequence

ⱼ* ᵢ*

0 → K(Z,X₁) → K(Z) → K(X₁) → 0


is split exact since there is an obvious retraction ρ:Z → X₁. Furthermore,there is

an isomorphism φ:K(Z,X₁) → K(X,Y). From our element [V₀,V₁,σ] we define a vector bundle W over Z by setting W[xₖ ≣ Vₖ and identifying over Y via the isomorphism

a. Setting W₁ ≡ ρ*(V₁) we have [W]– [W₁] ∈ ker(i*). Hence,there is a unique ele-ment χ([V₀,V₁,σ]) ∈ K(X,Y) with j*φ⁻¹χ([V₀,V₁,σ])=[W] – [W₁]. This defines the homomorphism χ:L(X,Y) → K(X,Y). ▢

In the discussion above,we are requiring that spaces are compact and CW. But this is not true even for (T*M,T*M₀),where M is a compact manifold and T*M₀;= T*M–zero section. But if we fix a Riemannian metric on T*M and consider bundles D*M,S*M ⊂ T*M with fiber unit solid balls and unit spheres, (D*M,S*M) becomes a CW-pair homotopy equivalent to (T*M,T*M₀). Th(T*M):= D*M/S*M is called the Thom spαce of that bundle.

1.7 Thom isomorphism in K-theory

Recall the Thom isomorphism theorem, stating that for an oriented real rank n bundle π:E → B,there exists a unique class u ∈ Hⁿ (E,E₀;ℤ) such that for all k,we have the Thom isomorphism ф:Hᵏ (B;ℤ) → Hⁿ⁺ᵏ (E,E₀;ℤ),x ↦(π*x)∪u.

There is a similar version in K-theory.

Theorem 9 For α compler υector bundle π:E → M oυer α compαct spαce M,ωe hαυe αn isomorphism

ψ:K(M) → K(E,E₀),α ↦ π*α · d(π*(∧*(E))).

Firstly,we explain the element d(π*(∧*(E))) ∈ K(E,E₀). Consider mappings between vector bundles over E,

фᵢ:π*(∧ⁱE) → π*(∧ⁱ⁺¹E),(ω,υ) ∈ π*(∧ⁱE) ↦ (ω,ω∧υ)

where ω ∈ E. When restricted to E₀, these mappings form an exact sequence,as is easily verified. We claim that these mappings determine a unique element d(π*(∧*(E))) ∈ K(E,E₀).

Let's generalize the disgussion in the last section. Assume Y ⊂ X is a closed subspace. For each integer n ≥ 1,consider the set 𝓛 ₙ (X,Y) of elements V=(V₀,V₁,. . .,Vₙ;σ₁,. . .,σₙ) where V₀,. . .,Vₙ are vector bundles on X and where

σ₁ σ₂ σₙ

0→V₀|ʏ → V₁|ʏ → · · · → Vₙ|ʏ → 0

is an exact sequence of bundle maps for the restriction of these bundles to Y. Two such elements V=(V₀,. . .,Vₙ;σ₁,. . .,σₙ) and V'=(V'₀,. . .,V'ₙ;σ'₁,. . .,σ'ₙ) are said to be isomorphic if there are bundle isomorphisms φᵢ:Vᵢ → V'ᵢ over X such that everything commutes.

An element V=(V₀,. . .,Vₙ;σ₁,. . .,σₙ) is said to be elementary if there is an i such that Vᵢ=Vᵢ₋₁,σᵢ=id and Vⱼ={0} for j ≠ i or i – 1. There is an operation of direct sum ⨁ defined on the set 𝓛 ₙ (X,Y) in the obvious way. Two elements V,V' ∈ 𝓛 ₙ(X,Y) are defined to be equivalent if there exist elementary elements E₁,. . .,Eₖ,F₁,. . .,Fₗ ∈ 𝓛 ₙ (X,Y) and an isomorphism

V ⨁ E₁⨁ · · · ⨁ Eₖ ≅ V' ⨁ F₁ ⨁ · · · ⨁ Fₗ



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